The Australian Web Listing Group specialises in accommodation listing websites
The Group websites include:-
Great Places to Stay - specialising in unique and boutique accommodation
Weekend Retreats - specialising in luxury accommodation
Bed and Breakfast - specialising in Bed and Breakfast accommodation
Features and Benefits of being promoted on Great Places to StayOur philosophy is to provide visitors with the level of information needed to make favourable decisions and informed choices.The quality and scope of information presented on Great Places to Stay means that potential guests are typically well qualified.We maintain editorial control over all content. There is no provision for accommodation operators to input copy or photos direct. Consistent quality of presentation and editorial style is a hallmark characteristic of this web site.GPTS is concerned to develop satisfied long-term clients rather than pursue high volume, short-term listings. Our success is measured by a renewal rate of close to 95% and higher if adjusted for property sales and closures.Great Places to Stay has extensive exposure in the search results of all the popular Search Engines. Furthermore, paid advertising is undertaken each year (around 15% of gross revenue is typically reinvested in advertising commitments each year).
All booking enquiries are made direct to the properties and there is no commission payable. There are no set-up fees. Updates to property records are encouraged in the interests of currency of information and as such do not attract additional charges, given the frequency is not excessive.Ongoing fees are charged half yearly, in advance, at June 30 and December 31. For all but larger properties, the current rates are $135 per half year plus GST. (Larger properties, over 10 rooms or units, attract higher rates.) The six month listing periods run from January 1 to June 30 and July 1 to December 31. Properties that join the web site in between times are required to pay (a pro-rated sum) to June 30 or December 31, whichever is not less than six months time.
Often called unique or boutique accommodation and often but not always offering Bed and Breakfast - either hosted or stocked with breakfast provisions. From experience we have a very clear understanding of what sorts of properties and locations are most popular with our visitors. We are more than happy to advise prospective advertisers if they are uncertain about their likelihood of success. We stand by our name "Great Places to Stay" so this is not an appropriate avenue for listing budget or high volume accommodation, such as backpakers, hotels, motor inns and the like. Properties worth listing are those with one or more of the following assets; desirable location, luxury appointments, views, character and charm, or other standout qualities. Although not our core focus, certain kinds of holiday rental properties can do well where the owners are marketing and managing the property themselves along more commercial lines, rather than simply placing the property with a local rental agent. (*Please review our Holiday Rental property pre-requisites below if this is relevant to you.)
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